Whistleblower Reprisal (OSC)

As a federal employee, you may need to disclose wrongful conduct of your employer, the federal government. “Wrongful” conduct usually involves fraud, waste, or abuse. After making these disclosures, you may be retaliated against. Federal employee complaints of whistleblower reprisal may be filed with the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) or, if the claim involves a suspension of 15 days or more, demotion, or removal, directly with the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). If you choose to file a complaint with the OSC or the MSPB, FELSC can represent you during every step of the whistleblower reprisal complaint process. We will determine the precise nature of the retaliatory conduct, and file your claims. Then, we will fight to obtain the appropriate relief for you.


Relief includes:

  • Job restoration

  • Back pay and benefits

  • Attorney fees

  • Other compensatory damages

If you seek legal representation, please contact our office at (240) 600-0050 or email us at info@felsc.com.


We respond to online inquiries within 24 hours. Please include detailed information in your submission and state whether you have a pending case.


See our "Recent Case Accomplishments."



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