Labor Activity (FLRA)


Federal labor law allows most federal employees to form and join unions for the purpose of collective bargaining with their employing agency over various terms, conditions, and benefits of employment. Employees represented by unions can also grieve adverse and disciplinary employment actions and have their grievances resolved by labor arbitrators if their unions agree to invoke arbitration. Federal employees may also form and join employee associations, which do not have the same rights as unions.

If you belong to a union and wish to file a complaint about your employment, FELSC can draft your grievance and represent you at your arbitration hearing. Your union would have to agree to this. FELSC can also render advice directly to union leaders. We represent unions in grievance arbitrations and before the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA). Additionally, we provide advice and representation to groups of employees who wish to form unions. If you are an employee who wishes to form a collective bargaining unit, or believe you were retaliated against for engaging in union activity, FELSC lawyers can represent you.

If you seek legal representation, please contact our office at (240) 600-0050 or email us at


We respond to online inquiries within 24 hours. Please include detailed information in your submission and state whether you have a pending case.


See our "Recent Case Accomplishments."



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